Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tomorrow is our last day of teaching...

Sorry its been a while since we've posted. Haley always makes me do it anyway...

We're wrapping up our third and final session tomorrow--part of me says THANK GOODNESS. And part of me is somewhat melancholy at the thought. This session has been tough--the younger kids are less focused and the older kids...well, let me put it this way: we are expected to not only teach but entertain a gaggle (ten or so) thirteen and fourteen-year-olds for four hours every day. ....

Ukraine has been so fabulous. It really is such a beautiful country. The green fields and smatterings of wild flowers give it color that contrasts with the more drab, dirty streets and buildings. Many of the buildings are quite colorful themselves, actually (there's a yellow one near the school in particular that I know SOMEONE would appreciate...). There are some beautiful traditions and interesting idiosyncracies about this place that have been fun to discover. However...

I am ready for home. Being away and in a country like Ukraine, with some of the less appealing idiosyncracies and frustrations and mindsets, makes me so appreciate America. Even more than that, though, it makes me so appreciate familiarity! There simply is nothing like home. We still have many adventures to come, though! Tomorrow our group starts dispersing. Two girls are headed to Poland tomorrow afternoon. The next day, two more girls head to Italy and one heads home, and then at o'dark thirty on Sunday morning the rest of us leave, two to France (us) and three to Egypt. It'll be so strange (and quiet) to only have one roommate, after having nine for the last six weeks.

We aren't really sure about our internet availability in France, so enjoy the last few posts while they last ;)


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